Mogilev Automobile Plant named after S.M. Kirov is one of the largest industrial enterprises of
CIS. The plant produces motor vehicles employed in various spheres including road and dam construction, quarrying, underground mines working and construction of tunnels and bridges.
Please, see below the list of vehicles produced by the plant:
- Self-propelled scrapers;
- Frontal loaders;
- Dump road trains;
- Concrete mixer trucks;
- Self-propelled roller trains.
The whole class of machines made by common standards is produced on the basis of the main units. Here's the list of these machines:
- Airfield loaders;
- Trailers for transporting major cargos;
- Special vehicles for underground mining;
- Special chassis for vibration units and crane equipment;
- Mini-loader allowing to install a number of add-on units;
- Garbage trucks;
- Electric car;
- Auto-bulldozer.
Mogilev Automobile Plant has been awarded the International Quality Certificate - the most significant proof for the highest quality of the powerful vehicles produced there.
These vehicles include dump road trains for mining industry, dump-trucks, scrapers, bulldozers and other vehicles for road-building, delivery services etc. The
Automobile Plant is the fifth among Mogilev enterprises that have obtained the International Quality Certificate. Among other enterprises awarded with the certificate one can mention the textile entreprise "Mogotex", "Mogilevliftmash", "Mogilevtransmash" and "Tekhnopribor" plants.